While we’re already over a quarter of the way through 2016, there is still plenty of time left for new and exciting things to happen in the world of SEO. (Heck, if you blink you might miss something when it comes to search engine optimization.)
So without further ado, here are just a few of the predictions for where SEO will go this year.
Google’s organic results falling to a less than 70% click through rate
Historically, Google has released information to the public about its organic click-through rate compared to ads, with organic CTRs coming in at around 80-85% and ads at 15-20%. However, with Google’s recent aggressive action against results that are non-organic, chances are the percentage range will decrease by upwards of 10 percent once the public receives better data.
However, don’t fear; Google is such a huge, continually growing force that even numbers as low as 50% wouldn’t be dreadful.
A leveling off of mobile growth
As generally happens with time, trends that have seen steady growth begin to taper and level off. This could be happening to mobile growth this year. While this doesn’t mean that mobility will never grow again, chances are an apex of sorts has been reached, and the high percentage growth will start to taper off.
One reason for there not being a full decline is that there are some applications on which a small screen mobile device will never be able to capitalize. For example, creative work like computer gaming and long form writing benefit from large screens and a full-sized keyboard and mouse.
The emergence of non-enterprise content marketing
Typically, only big businesses have used content marketing software; however, we may begin to see small and mid-sized markets begin taking advantage.
Wearables and the Internet of Things
Many people are suggesting that 2016 will be the year of the wearable, the Internet of Things, virtual reality and smart homes. Even if this does prove to be true, chances are it won’t have a dramatic impact on web marketing.
For more information about SEO, including why you should be using it for your business, check out our blog article: 6 Reasons to Employ SEO: Making Your Money Work For You.