Updated: December 22, 2015
Welcome to SEO Advantage’s Trivia feature Friday, where we discuss, dissect and comment on the internet and marketing, and how the two intertwine.
Among the terms below, which isn’t an algorithm Microsoft uses for search ranking?
- A. Trustrank
- B. Poprank
- C. Ranknet
(See answer below)
Poprank and Ranknet are both terms Microsoft uses to describe rankings. Poprank, in particular, is used for ranking objects on the web, and Ranknet (in conjunction with fRank) is used when describing static rankings.
Trustrank may sound familiar because it too is a term used for search rankings; however, Google and Yahoo are the ones who use it. In the case of Google, it’s referred to as “Trust Rank.” Trust Rank works by allowing various entities (companies and people alike) to annotate or label website documents. Yahoo formulated their Trustrank algorithm with Stanford University, which is used identify spam pages across the web.
Trustrank is an important enough part of SEO that a website (that looks considerably outdated, ironically enough) has been created to help you check to see how your site is judged by Trustrank using a 1000-point system.
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(Answer: A)